tiktok粉丝 Twitter禁止在网上泄露大量警察数据的组织
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Twitter禁止了一个似乎泄漏200个警察部门多年记录的组织。该平台删除了“分布式拒绝秘密”(DDoSecrets)帐户,该组织 近以“BlueLeaks”为标题发布了近270 GB的数据。Twitter还添加了一个警告页面,如果您单击到数据集的现有链接,则会出现该警告页面,并且它会阻止包含该链接的新推文,警告说它被标识为“潜在有害”。
Twitter has banned an organization that appears to have leaked 200 years of police records. The platform removed the "ddosecrets" account, and the organization recently released nearly 270 GB of data under the title "blueleaks.". Twitter has also added a warning page that appears if you click an existing link to the dataset, and it blocks new tweets that contain the link, warning that it is marked as "potentially harmful.".
DDoSecrets成员Emma Best今天早些时候从另一个账户发布了该新闻。Twitter在给The Verge的声明中证实了这一点,称DDoSecrets违反了禁止发布被黑客入侵的内容的规则,并被永久暂停。正如Ars Technica所指出的那样,这并非始终是该网站的政策-例如,尽管泄露了来自民主党全国委员会和其他来源的被黑客入侵的数据,但知名度更高的泄漏网站WikiLeaks仍然保留了一个账户。
根据安全研究人员和作家Brian Krebs获得的一份报告,BlueLeaks数据集包含一些“高度敏感的信息”(包括银行的路由号码)以及来自多个 警察部门的电子邮件和其他材料。
据报道,该漏洞是在与政府机构合作的网络开发公司Netsential发生泄漏后泄漏的。告诉Best Wired,该数据是由某人提供的,该人是匿名黑客运动的成员,DDoSecrets删除了大约50 GB的数据,其中包括犯罪受害者的详细信息和健康信息。
According to the report, the vulnerability was leaked after the leakage of netessential, a network development company cooperating with government agencies. Tell best wired that the data was provided by someone who is a member of the anonymous hacking movement, and ddosecrets deleted about 50 GB of data, including details and health information of crime victims.
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