英媒:TikTok扩大欧洲团队 伦敦办公室吸引众多谷歌、脸书前员工加入
The number of employees switching from Google to tiktok is higher than that of other large technology companies, the report said. At least 12 Google employees have switched to tiktok in the past 12 months, more than double the number who left Facebook to join tiktok, according to LinkedIn.
谷歌一直是大型技术公司在英国的人才库。TikTok雇用的前谷歌 员工来自多个领域,包括YouTube的欧洲艺人关系负责人David Mogendorff,谷歌欧洲安卓策略负责人Ryan Schecter和谷歌硬件营销经理Joe Wan。
Google has always been a talent pool for big technology companies in the UK. Tiktok employs former senior Google employees from a variety of fields, including David mogendorff, head of European artist relations at youtube, Ryan Schecter, head of Android strategy at Google Europe, and Joe Wan, Google hardware marketing manager.
此前,谷歌 政府关系专家Theo Bertram在2019年底加入TikTok,担任欧洲政府关系主管。
TikTok还从Facebook挖走了许多骨干员工,其中包括Paul Tallentire,他在TikTok担任产品政策团队经理。